working together for the good of the community
Old Hamlet of Llanmartin
Whats on
From 1st Wentwood Scouts Pike Den
"1st Wentwood Scout Group has three sections open: Beavers aged 6 to 8 Cubs aged 8 to 10.5 Scouts aged 10.5 to 14 If you are interested in joining please email"
Brownie Unit
Our virtual unit is ideal if there are no Brownie units in your area or if the units meet on days that don’t fit with your other commitments. We do badges and activities that take place “in real life” and we laugh a lot
You can see a PDF copy here
Become a member: £25 per household
Either pay by cash to the Treasurer -Jacqui Ford at Oakdale, Magor Road, Llanmartin
Or by cheque or bank transfer – BACS
Account Name: Old Hamlet of Llanmartin Residents Association
Account Number: 73926435 Sort Code: 20-18-17
NB Your name will be used as reference when paying in