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In 2002 the Old Hamlet of Llanmartin founded a residents association to foster an old fashioned Community spirit.   It organises many functions throughout the year, including bonfire night, carols in the barn, progressive suppers, treasure hunts, outings and in Summer the Big Lunch.  Over the years it has undertaken some great projects



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Mark Robotham

Jacqui Ford


Sarah Stead



Janet Myers


Carol Joynson


Sharon Keiller


Kaye Frowen


Kristy Thomas

Andrew Stead

Facebook Community

Richard Rayment


The residents maintain the hamlet green,the old Bethel graveyard, and the triangle of land at the top of Pencoed lane and a community field in which major events take place. The latter contains a community storage facility,  a gazebo and fruit trees in memory of Doug Stevens   It is hoped to further develop this as a wild life sanctuary 


Over the years the Association has been a regular competitor in the 'Wales in Bloom Competition' and received several awards. In 2015, 2016 and 2017 they were awarded a silver gilt certificate.  In 2023 they were awarded a gold certificate and a plaque for the best welsh village 


4 times a year they produce an Old Hamlet gazette which is a round up of news and events in the community and delivered to every household.  


It has a web site. and a community facebook page.   There is also a whats app group and a ‘global’ email list 


It addresses any major concerns residents have re community matters


Each year the Association supports a number of charities.  These are chosen with local needs in mind


The AGM takes place in October and members are invited to nominate and vote for the officers and committee members. 


It is a member of Neighbourhood Watch



The hamlet enjoys the funding provided by the residents through  yearly subs. Currently £25 per household and payable annually


It usually receives some monies from the Langstsone Community Council for its ongoing maintenance of public areas but in recent years, this has been reduced



The Hamlet benefits from the generosity of local business eg Halse and Sons nursery in Langstone for advice and often discount on flowers for the planters  Also help and advice from Ian Neale 


Gwentlands for parking at community events and the provision of the Lambing Barn for the Carols


Oakdale Ironworks for the maintenance of the  Heron on the Green


The owner of the field on Pencoed Lane for community events  and Simon Wright for land at Pencoed Castle with parking for community events


Llandevaude hall for some events


Councillors Ray Mogford and William Routley who are always willing to listen and help with problems.



If you would like to become a member of the main committee or take part in one of our sub committees- i.e. Wales in Bloom, please contact us.  Over a glass of wine or a cup of coffee we discuss residential concerns and arrange social events.  Your input and ideas would be most welcome.  It is not necessary to attend every meeting -just those when you are free

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