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Langstone Quiz Night

Well, every day is a school day, isn't it. Who would have thought that there is an actual sport called Chess Boxing? Or that Edinburgh is further west than Bristol? Or that Phil and Gary Neville's dad is called Neville. Yes, Neville Neville, poor man. But these, and other gems were revealed at this evening's (Sat August 17th) EVENTS@LANGSTONE ANNUAL QUIZ AND GAMES NIGHT.                             

It was a hoot and it felt like everyone had a great time. We had guests this evening, supporters of the amazing TENOVUS charity selling home made chocolate, yes, it really was that delicious. Thank you Lou for donating some of the goodies as a raffle prize, it was very kind.                                                                                               

Congratulations to the Quizzy McQuizface team who were the overall winners of the cash prize beating the valiant Bob's Dragons by just one point. Sooo close! Maybe next year....                                        

The next event is October 12th as we present our Autumn spectacular, the fabulous Tena Ladies. If you have seen them before hurry up and get your places booked with Heather as you know how quickly they will sell out. If you haven't seen them - get your names down now, you are in for such a treat!                                   

Once again, a huge thank you to everyone who came along tonight to make it such a success and for the support and encouragement you so freely give, not just at this event but at every one. It is because of you that we are able to bring such a varied programme to our lovely village hall, and can donate so much so regularly to various charities. From all of us to all of you, thank you. 

Rossi Hollister

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